Some old good and funny scanned
documents and images

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Some old good and funny scanned documents and images. More to come.

Note, these documents are very old (1983 - 1996) and I do not have copy right
to them. See information below. Please contact me if you want me to remove
them from this web-page. But I think it's a pity if they are lost from history.

Some old good and funny scanned documents and images

Below this table is some more information about the documents.
Click on the images to make them large (≤ 3 MB each). It seems
as if the greyscale images and the PDF files are the best.

Nr PDF Color Black-White Greyscale
1 lifemars.pdf
2 osflight.pdf
3 rabbit.pdf

1. "Let's hope life on Mars is more intelligent than life on Earth". Those journalists...
By International Herald Tribune, Wednesday, August 21 1996. Actually this document
is more than ever very much of intermediate interest.

2. How to choose the right airway company (i.e. operating system). Så väljer du rätt flyg-
bolag (eg. operativsystem). In Swedish. In the Swedish computer magazine Datateknik,
Nr 17, November 3 1994. Very good and funny and still very much of intermediate interest.

3. A very nice ASCII character Rabbit. I don't know where it originally comes from and who
the author is. Sometimes around 1983. Actually I typed it in on an old Swedish Facit Qume
electronic word processing system. The system had no monitor, 8" floppy drive unit and the
fast (50 cps) type wheel printer printed this document automatically in two sequences in less
than one minute. It was also stored on a floppy disk.

Author and compiler: Stefan Spännare
E-mail: (Please remove NO and SPAM before sending)
Latest update: 2012-09-17